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Friday, August 10, 2007


Sorry folks for my absence... I've been a little uninspired...but I had a conversation with another wife the other day and she said...!$!@@ Put that in your blog.... So here it is...

What the Wife Says: This migraine really has me feeling bad. I think I will get to bed early.
What her Husband Hears: My head sorta hurts, I think I need some sex.

What the Wife Does: Puts on her night gown with her granny panties and climbs in the bed.
What the Husband Does: Gets naked and drops all of his clothes on the floor as he leaps into bed.

What the Wife Thinks: He has got to be kidding....didn't he hear what the hell I just said!
What the Husband Thinks:

(Note: this space is blank because he is not thinking!)

What Happens Next:

Send me what happens next! This is an interactive forum so tell me what you think happens next. Just click on "Post a Comment' and it will take you to a comment box. As always, you can choose to remain incognito!

You've inspired me!


Anonymous said...

Wife starts snoring extremely loudly!

Anonymous said...

He got his feelings hiurt!

Anonymous said...

He seems to have forgotten that sex as a cure for migraine means the person with the migraine gets the "medicine".

Orgasms do seem help my migraines. A lot. (Though sometimes it makes the head pain worse the moment of.) But a migraine attack is not a good time for reciprocation or a debate on what is "fair".

So what SHOULD happen here is that Mr. Man proves himself a gentleman, delivers a gentle dose of "under the counter medicine" and then leaves Ms. Migraine alone until she feels better. And if she's like me, she'll be grateful enough to take care of his "quieros" when her head stops trying to explode out through her eye sockets. (Usually a few hours later.) BUT NOT DURING. Good God, man, NOT DURING.